General Store

Apothecary CSA

Our seasonal CSA features sustainably wildcrafted or forest-farmed herbs and fungi. We are offering 8 Apothecary shares for Autumn 2024. Packages may include: dried plant material to use in teas, broths, along with herbal tinctures and vinegars (such as fire cider), and salves or oil for external use. Soon, we’ll offer seeds from local ‘at risk’ plants like American Ginseng.

We have 8 shares available for 2024. Items are dependent on the season’s harvest. Reserve your share today.


Earthly Bodies: Embracing Animal Nature

Examining the cultural belief that our animal instincts are to be corrected or corralled, nature advocate and rewilding facilitator Vanessa Chakour explores our inner and outer landscapes through the lens of wild animals.

In Earthly Bodies, Vanessa draws parallels from struggles she has weathered in her own life to those endured by twenty-three wild animals—from wolves to sea lions—exploring our unease of feeling like prey; challenging the entrapment of our limiting beliefs; contextualizing the turmoil of fractured landscapes; and affirming our primal ache to belong. 

Awakening Artemis

Combining Vanessa's story of her own healing journey with practical plant-based knowledge, Awakening Artemis is rooted in the belief that healing happens through reclaiming an intuitive connection to ourselves, to the natural world, and to our own "inner wild."

“An eloquent exploration of the deep, life-giving bonds between plants and people. Vanessa Chakour’s engaging and insightful reflections show us how the generosity of plants can heal us and make us whole.” - David George Haskell, author of Pulitzer finalist, The Forest Unseen, and Burroughs medalist, The Songs of Trees.


Nature Walks Where You Are - We lead small groups through forests, meadows, mountains and the urban wild to train your attention to detail and deepen intimacy with nature.

Foraging & Wild Medicine Walks - These opportunities help you discover wild edibles and medicine in season. We’ll share identification skills, and instruction on safe, ethical harvesting and medicine making.

Customized - We welcome requests from individuals, communities and groups for private walks, specialized nature- connection experiences.


Private Land Exploration - If you are curious about plants living and growing on land around you, we may be able to arrange a visit to walk the grounds and help you get acquainted with your local environment.

Talks, Panels & Workshops - Vanessa & Enrique speak on topics ranging from nature-connection to endangered plants and conservation. You can contact us here.

Read posts about the Mount Owen journey on Vanessa's Substack